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Ultimate Kilimanjaro is a sponsor of the The Heroes Project, a non-profit organization that supports climbing programs for wounded veterans by putting them on some of the highest summits around the world, including Mount Kilimanjaro.

Ultimate Kilimanjaro is a partner of the Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB), a Tanzanian government organization whose mission is to promote sustainable tourism both domestically and internationally through innovative and dynamic awareness creation, in order to contribute significantly to the social – economic development of Tanzania.

Ultimate Kilimanjaro is a partner of the Kilimanjaro Association of Tour Operators (KIATO), an association of local Tanzanian tour operators holding a TALA license (Tourist Agents Licensing Authority) for climbing Kilimanjaro. KIATO works to educate and lead members to adhere to regulations and guidelines that meet international IMEC standards for porter treatment.

Ultimate Kilimanjaro is a partner of the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project (KPAP), a Tanzanian nonprofit organization whose focus is improving the distressing working conditions of the porters on Mount Kilimanjaro. KPAP performs monitoring activities to ensure partner companies are in compliance with KPAP’s guidelines for proper porter treatment.

Ultimate Kilimanjaro is a member of the International Mountain Explorers Connection (IMEC) Partnership for Responsible Travel. IMEC recognizes tour operators committed the fair treatment of mountain crews. Acceptance as a partner is based upon the company’s meeting IMEC guidelines for proper porter treatment on Kilimanjaro.

Ultimate Kilimanjaro is an Outfitter/Guide Partner of Leave No Trace, a national and international program designed to assist outdoor enthusiasts with their decisions about how to reduce their impact on the environment. The program strives to educate all those who enjoy the outdoors about the nature of their recreational impacts as well as techniques to prevent and minimize such impacts.

Ultimate Kilimanjaro is a contributor to Greenpeace, the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace focuses its campaigning on worldwide issues such as climate change, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and anti-nuclear  issues.

Ultimate Kilimanjaro is a Member of Sustainable Travel International, a global leader in sustainable tourism development. The non-profit organization’s mission is to promote sustainable development and responsible travel by providing programs that enable consumers, businesses and travel-related organizations to contribute to the environmental, socio-cultural and economic values of the places they visit, and the planet at large.

Ultimate Kilimanjaro is a Supporter of Amani Children’s Home, a residential home for orphans and street-children in Moshi, Tanzania. Due to one of the world’s poorest economies, weakening family ties, and HIV/AIDS, the problem of street-children in Tanzania is growing daily. Amani helps these affected children by offering them a safe home, attempting to reunite them with their families, and offering them a variety of educational opportunities.